Dear players and parents,
Firstly, we would like to take this chance to welcome you to the 2014 football season. The club is very excited about a number of initiatives that we have planned for this season and beyond. These initiatives are, in part, due to the valuable feedback we have received from the junior football survey and also from the hard work the volunteer management committee has undertaken to turn some of our ambition into reality via our strategic plan (an announcement from the club president will circulate soon). Accordingly, there are a number of thank you's we would like to make and if not for our hard working volunteers including coaches, managers, ground staff, canteen conveners, subcommittee members, management committee members, match day helpers and so on, we would not function as a club. Moreover, we are very happy to have retained Gerry McAvoy as our Technical Director in 2014 and we look forward to again working with Gerry.
Junior Registration Fees for the 2014 season have been set as follows:
- Squirts (3 to 5 year olds): $140.00 (fully inclusive)
- Juniors (SSF) U6-U11: $330.00 plus match fees
- Juniors U12-U16 (mixed competition and all female teams): $345.00 plus match fees
- BJL: $575.00 (fully inclusive)
Girls who would like to be in 'all female teams' are required to notify the club in the comments section within the registration process.
Women's Registration Fees for the 2014 season have been set as follows:
Players born in 1996 to 1998, who have not attained the age of 18 may play into any senior Women’s Competitions with parental/guardian approval (PA01).
Players born in 1999, once attaining the age of 15, may apply, with parental/guardian approval (PA01), for “Exceptional Circumstances” status to play in the Womens Premier League.
If you fall into either of the 2 categories above, please select the 'Women's Under 18's in senior competition' package.
- Brisbane Womens Premier League: $475.00
- Brisbane Women’s City 1 League: $475.00
- Women's Under 18′s in senior competition: $420.00
- Brisbane Women’s Social League Team: $345.00 plus Referee fees
Men's Registration Fees for the 2014 season have been set as follows:
Players born in 1996 1997, who have not attained the age of 18 may play into any senior Competitions with parental/guardian approval (PA01).
Players born in 1998 are eligible to play in the Under 18 Competition with parental/guardian approval (PA01).
Players born in 1998, once attaining the age of 16, may apply, with parental/guardian approval (PA01), for “Exceptional Circumstances” status to play into any senior Competition.
If you fall into either of the 3 categories above, please select the 'Men's Under 18s' package.
- Mens Capital 2 & Capital 2 Reserves: $475.00
- Mens City Leagues: $475.00
- Mens Under 18s: $475.00
Registrations for all age groups and teams will be open from Monday 6 January 2014, via the National Online Registration System - MyFootballClub. The system allows players to register and pay individually online. The club will also hold an official registration day:
Sunday the 2nd of February from 11am until 1pm in the clubhouse.
You will also be able to make registration enquiries, pay registration fees, and purchase gear at the Registration/Information Day.
This year all players must load a passport style photo into MFC
A Training Schedule will be available at our registration/information day.
Competition Juniors - Draft Until Football Brisbane Calendar is finalised
At this time trials for competition juniors as well as training for Miniroo's Under 11s has been completed. Although, if we receive several new or additional registrations from players that did not trial/ train we may have to revisit this. However, we do not anticipate the need to undertake additional trials/ training at this time.
Training for competition junior teams (Under 12s to Under 16s) is to commence no sooner than Monday the 10th of February (except for Junior BJL teams and Under 12s Div 1 who have been informed of their starting dates). The season for competition juniors starts Friday the 21st of February – Sunday the 23rd of February (maybe later depending how many teams form each age group and division). To see exactly when your team is training, please go to Draft Training Plan now Available and scroll to the bottom.
Miniroo's Under 9s, Under 10s, Under 11s - Draft Until Football Brisbane Calendar is finalised
The process of forming teams for Miniroo's Under 11's has already taken place (see above). The process of forming teams for Miniroo's Under 9's and 10's will be conducted on Wednesday the 19th and Wednesday the 26th of February, with training starting on the first week of March. Fixtures will then likely start on week ending Friday the 14th of March - Sunday the 16th of March. Note there is a break for April holidays from Saturday the 5th of April until Sunday the 20th of April. Fields will then re-open Monday the 21st of April in preperations for fixtures. More information will be released closer to the date.
Miniroo's Under 6s, Under 7s & Under 8s - Draft Until Football Brisbane Calendar is finalised
The process of forming teams for Miniroo's Under 6's, Under 7's & Under 8's will be conducted in mid February, with training starting in the first week of March. Fixtures will likely start on week ending Friday the 14th of March to Sunday the 16th of March. Note there is a break for April holidays from Saturday the 5th of April until Sunday the 20th of April. Fields will then re-open Monday the 21st of April in preparations for fixtures.
It is our intention for the Under 8 fixtures to take place on Friday nights with kick offs happening at 6pm and 6:50pm
More information will be released closer to the date.
Squirts will start on Saturday the 3rd of May and includes 10 sessions plus a breakup (including a small presentation).
Best Regards,
Management Committee
The Gap Football Club