The Club would like to publicly thank Richard Dobson and Brett Cadoo for their commitment, effort and dedication in coaching top junior teams over the past years. They have set a solid foundation from which we can move forward and take the first steps in the drive toward our stated goal of: “Our high performance teams are coached by an independent and suitably qualified and remunerated coach(s).”
The Club would like to announce the following coaches for 2019.
Under 16 BYPL
Coach – Mark Dobson
Mark is our Men’s Club Captain and current Brisbane Premier League First Team player with an association and playing career stretching back to his junior days of playing football at our club.
Assistant Coach – Ryuhei Nose
Ryuhei has been playing in our top men’s team as our striker, scoring 59 Goals since he joined our club in 2015. He has been instrumental in the rise of our men’s team and is very keen to give back to our club as a junior HPT coach.
Under 15 BYPL
Coach – Ben Condon
Ben has played at our club for many years as a junior and is now playing in our Men's City 2 team. Ben has undertaken the Youth C licence course and has been coaching junior teams for the last two seasons.
Assistant Coach – Jack Warren
Jack returns to our club where he played for many years as a junior player and is very excited to begin a coaching career with our club.
Under 14 BYPL
Coach – Terry Sills
Terry has coached at all levels of junior football at our club over many years and will continue to do so in 2019.
Assistant Coach – to be decided
Our new Technical Director – Men's Football, Mark Strickland, will play a major role in developing our Junior HPT coaches and will work closely with them to develop and prepare our junior players for the transition into senior football at our club.
They will also be supported by our soon to be announced Technical Director – Centre of Excellence (Juniors).