The Gap Football Club's 2015 AGM will be on Sunday, 22 February 2015 at 12pm in the Gap FC Clubhouse, Glenaffric St, The Gap.
All of the current GFC management committee are prepared to stand again for another year.
Any members with the required skill sets and free time to spare are welcome and encouraged to volunteer their services to the club
Please contact the Secretary if you require any further info on volunteering.
AGM 2015 Agenda
- Apologies
- Present
- Minutes of last meeting
- Annual Report by President
- Annual Financial Report by Treasurer
- Appointment of Auditors
- Dissolution of old committee
- Election of new committee
- Motion for AGM: New life members?
- Any other Business
The full list of all nominees and their proposers and seconders will be posted in the clubhouse on Sunday, 15 Feb 2015.
Members wanting to stand for the committee are required to complete the constitution nomination forms and return them to the Club Secretary within the agreed timeframes.
Roles up for election are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and six ordinary committee members.
Members of the management committee are expected to take on management roles within the club.
Currently four of the six ordinary committee roles have the roles of: Facilities Officer, Equipment Officer, Commercial Officer and Grants Officer, with the two remaining roles being in charge of Grounds and Bar and Canteen operations.
All nominations must be sent to the club Secretary using the below form.
Please print name in each instance with signature below. Incorrectly filled forms will not be valid. To be returned to the Club Secretary no later than 12pm, 8 Feb 2015 via email.